Friday, June 24, 2011

Logistics For The Lord

The Logistics Team with our handy-dandy announcements assistant, Katy. 
Since coming on staff with YWAM Herrnhut I've really come to see how God can use the things I'm passionate about to bring heaven to earth, whether that's photography, baking---or in this case---logistics.

I had the opportunity last week to go with our base director, Cory, to the University of The Nations Equip Leadership Conference in Vienna, Austria as a part of the logistics team. We headed down to Vienna four days early to meet with the conference leadership and to coordinate everything from  accommodations to clean-up. It was great for me to be able to work under these more experienced (*cough* older) YWAMers from across Europe. Not to mention the content of the conference turned out to be extremely relevant for me and the direction God is leading me in.

The theme of the conference was "partnering and pioneering," so we were able to hear from many speakers on those topics. I was also able to sit in on a couple of incredible 8-hour seminars: one about Children At Risk...who are they, what are the psychological effects of their circumstances, and how do we effectively interact with them as missionaries in a way that is healthy for the child; And another about Extending Grace to Muslims in do we correct the cultural stereotypes that have effected our hearts towards Muslims, how do we bring the Church to a place of forgiveness and grace towards Muslims so that there can be reconciliation, and how do we approach Muslims with love and friendship. They were incredible, and in many ways, life changing. I didn't realize how passionate I was about those topics until I began discussing them with our speakers, but I know now that both will play major rolls in the ministry I do in Germany. 

All-in-all, it was a much needed week of hearing God's voice, getting inspired by the testimonies of missionaries working in other parts of Europe, and just general encouragement! I can't wait until next year. :)

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