Recently, I made the transition of moving to Ottestad, Norway where I continue to work with YWAM. I'm apart of a small team that travels to public high schools and youth groups across the nation teaching Norwegian teenagers about justice and the value of human life, while recruiting them for short-term missions to developing nations where they can actively apply what they've learned in the classroom. My aim in doing this is to instill in the future leaders of Norway the knowledge of their own inherent worth and dignity as ones created in the image of God and to mobilize them in actively seeking out solutions to injustice within their nation and the world.
This is my heart: to see justice flow in the nations; to see slaves freed, healed, and restored; to provide for orphans, and to empower widows. I want to see God’s Kingdom come to earth. I remain in Norway with the hope that by standing with others who are fighting this fight, we’ll be able to work long enough, love hard enough, and shout loud enough to open deaf ears, melt hearts of stone, and completely eradicate quiet acts of injustice worldwide. This is my invitation to you to walk alongside me in prayer and to become an ordinary radical yourself!