This, that, and other joys. The daily adventures and revelations of Beth Joy Ridings, a dear friend and wise woman of God.

Here you will find the insightful chronicles of Lauren Hlushak, whose heart, and well, life, may be a little ruffled, but hey, ruffles are totally in, right?

Steph Is Here
A whole lot of entertainment, creativity, and gumption rolled up into one: Stephanie Eatherly is a world-traveling, poverty fighting, ordinary radical whose posts will charm and intrigue you, woo and inspire you.

A glimpse into the beautiful mind of Krisi Johnson as she thoughtfully reflects on life as a post-grad twenty-something making her way in the south.
Join The Fight:
Pick A Pocket
Using arts and media to creatively raise funds and awareness for those effected by Extreme Poverty.
Tear Fund
Breaking down the cycle of suffering caused by Extreme Poverty through community development and sustainable projects.
YWAM Mercy Ministries
"Love Until It Hurts" > Young people actively applying the model and example of Jesus Christ and his compassionate response to the needs of all.
Not For Sale Campaign
Equipping and mobilizing Smart Activists to re-abolish slavery—in their own backyards and across the globe. Not For Sale believes every individual has a skill they can contribute to fight human trafficking, and together we can end slavery in our lifetime.
Love 146
Combatting child sex slavery and exploitation through abolition and restoration.
Run For Innocence
Creating a society free of Child Sexual Abuse by raising awareness in our communities, educating on prevention strategies, and offering support to those who have experienced the trauma of CSA.
Blood:Water Mission
A grassroots organization that empowers communities to work together against the HIV/AIDS and water crises in Africa through the building of clean-water wells, HIV/AIDS testing and hospice centers, and global education.
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