Thursday, August 25, 2011

Koshe Project Goes To Camp

The 13 girls of the Koshe Project with their signed permission slips for Camp.
Exciting news from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia! A few weeks ago we posted on our Pick A Pocket facebook group about an opportunity for the 15 girls we work with through the Koshe Project to go away for summer camp in the countryside for a week. Literally over night we were able to receive full funding from supporters, activists, like you! So for a mere $40 per girl, they were able to leave Addis Ababa for the first time in their lives, breathe fresh air far away from the garbage city where they used to work, and spend time learning about God with other Ethiopian kids. Many of them remarked that it was the first time they felt like normal kids and not "from the trash." By the end of the week, ten of them even gave their lives to Christ. WOW. It's so incredible to see the changes that are happening in the lives of these girls, and it's such a privilege that we get to be a apart of it! If you want to know more about the Koshe Project, watch this beautiful video made by Pick A Pocket artist, Stephanie Eatherly:

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Love, Sweet Love.

Scenes from the long ride to Basel!
Last weekend I had the privilege of witnessing the wedding of two of my friends and ministry leaders, Josh and Ruth Elke! YWAM weddings are always extra special because beloved friends gather from every corner of the globe, reunited to celebrate the joining of two lives, by means of impressively budgeted travel and extremely creative housing. In our case, it meant packing into a rental car at 5am and pounding the pavement until mid-afternoon. We reached our destination, Ruth's family farm in Maulburg (near Basel on the border with Switzerland), just in time to participate in the "stag" and "hen" parties, help with last-minute cleaning, and transform their barn into a reception hall.

The day of the wedding was a toasty 85 degrees fahrenheit (my apologies to the Texans who, I'm sure, are scowling at my use of the word "toasty" in reference to anything below 100), and not a cloud in sight---perfect for such a happy occasion! I wish I had a copy of the vows to share with you because they were absolutely beautiful. It was so fun listening to the fathers bestow their wisdom on Josh and Ruth in their different languages (Josh is American and Ruth is German), and to see their families come around them in prayer. I'm confident that many will be blessed by this union!

Monday, August 1, 2011

The Anthropologist

I dont know how many of you are as in love with the stylings of Anthropologie (the store, not the study) as I am, but if you're an artist of any kind, you'll want to take a look at this video. Featured in The Anthropologist---the newsletter of inspiring individuals distributed by the clothing store each month---photographer David Eustace uses a unique (and absolutely stunning) meathod of motion photography to capture the graceful movements of Scottish Ballet's principle dancer, Tomomi Sato. (...I apologize in advance for the creepy background music they chose to use)