Thursday, September 29, 2011

An Argument For Life

Take thirty minutes out of your day to watch "180," a documentary which makes an extremely compelling case against abortion. I was moved by the content and impressed with the solidarity of the arguments made by New Zealand-born Christian minister, Ray Comfort, who within minutes transforms the view points of many pro-choice men and women.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Vikings And Brown Cheese And Fjords, Oh My!

Last week I made the journey from Germany up to Ottestad, Norway (near the capitol, Oslo) to begin a School of Pioneering Leadership. The school consists of a three-month lecture phase where, together with 20 other students from 13 different nations, I'll learn about the principles of pioneering new ministries within European culture. The curriculum is incredible so far, even in this introductory phase! We'll be hearing from seasoned missionaries who have pioneered entire regions of the world, academic scholars in the fields of politics and history within Europe and language acquisition, and others who are simply passionate about seeing the Kingdom of God reign over this continent. I'm so excited for what's to come!